When you send a large amount or you request to increase the limit of your account, we need to verify how you got the money that you are sending.
We do this by asking you to provide documents that show your Source of Funds.
Here are some examples of documents that we might ask for, depending on where your money comes from.
These are just examples, we could ask for other documents that aren't listed here.
If your money comes from your salary, we might ask to see documents that show:
your role
your annual salary
your employer?s name and address
the dates you started your employment
the dates you received salary payments
Here are some examples of documents you could use:
the salary section of your contract
3 months of bank statements
your latest tax return
If your money comes from a loan, we might ask to see documents that show:
the amount you borrowed
the date you received the money
the name of the lender
the address of the lender
the purpose of the loan
Here are some examples of documents you could use:
extracts from your loan agreement
3 months of loan statements
bank statements showing you received the money
any other proof